Annual subscriptions are reviewed and approved at the AGM in October, with payment due by the end of November, at the very latest. Minimum subscriptions for the current session are £110 (full), £65 (retired), or £50 (non-tax payer) – charged pro rata for new members joining mid-session.
Subscriptions can be paid by cheque, standing order or bank transfer (account details below). Payment by instalments is possible by arrangement with the Treasurer.
Payment by online bank transfer is preferred. Please include your name as reference:
Account name: Dunbartonshire Concert Band
Sort code: 80 05 57
Account No: 00324979
Gift Aid is encouraged for members paying tax, as this provides additional income for the band.
Click on one of the following links to download the Gift Aid declaration and membership form, either as a PDF or Word version. Hard copies of the completed forms should be signed and returned to the DCB treasurer.
Please see the Treasurer for more information.