Current vacancies

Places are currently available in the following sections:

  • percussion

If you play any of the listed instruments and would like to join the band, or wish to enquire about the possibility of other instrument vacancies, please complete the Membership Application Form

Instrument available for loan (members only):  euphonium. You will be required to sign for the loan of any instrument and maintain it in good order.  On leaving the band the instrument would be relinquished.

Annual subscription: See Subscriptions page

We are a vibrant and popular community band, and most sections are well populated. However, vacancies do occasionally arise.

There are no auditions, but players should be at least Grade 5 or equivalent, undertake personal practice and we do require a firm commitment to attend Saturday morning rehearsals and play concerts.

Please note that invitation for playing membership is solely at the discretion of the Musical Director, in association with the DCB committee.